Tuesday, March 06, 2007

a slice of my day

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
it all started this afternoon, after i'd decided i'd had enough of C#. i needed to go to marks work wearhouse and get me a pair of 'duckies' -- those are waterproof shoes, for those of you that don't know WTF i'm talkin' about.

so - annnnyyyyywaaaays - i went. and i bought. and then i puttered around kitsilano (my old neighbourhood, affectionately called 'kits' by us locals) for the afternoon. saw some flowers ... some very, very early cherry blossoms ... then ... visited the ocean! ahhhh .... ocean. first time @ the dog beach without my beloved pooch (since he died last august). i felt him, trotting alongside me. the feeling of him, stroking my heart, made my heart smile. i had such a sweet day - here's a sweet slice it, just for you ... and you ... and you!

if you scroll down to the end of this post, you will see the slideshow i made from some of these pics, complete with ocean-waves background sound!

FYI - this slide show i made in iphoto on my brilliant ibook. the sound is a sound recording i made, on my cell phone, of the surf-tide, that i imported into itunes and then added to the slideshow (yeah - kewl! you can do that! makes me wonder: 'why does anyone have a pc?').

pics/vid moved to the foto blog.

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