let your dreams wake you up enough
for you to see
how the dreams can heat you
some truth in the unconscious
waiting to be understood
repeats itself in code,
cycles through your being
here to tell you
here to teach you
something you need
to know
~jack crimmins~
i am tired. feeling like those boxing gloves that time and the elements have deflated, somewhat. the doe cannot sleep. something keeps her awake @ nights. and prevents her from assuming a truly peace-filled rest. the doe wants the red coyote to leave her dreams. it feels cold here. the sun shines about three times a day. but, alas! she teases us - gives us only a mild taste of her warmth and only for a few minutes @ a time.
i am down to my last umbrella. i started out this winter with three! well, @ least my shoes are waterproof. i miss the sun. i think i have season affective disorder. in about a month's time i will have reached the completion point of the first quarter of my course. [its another brick in the wall, anyway]. i have to find a place this week. i do not feel like it. i feel like curling up with a book, some popcorn some hot chocolate and the remote control and just getting square eyes watching TV.
that's what I been doing
watching dvd's
next up?
my super exgirlfriend
oh yeah
got some things to do too...but would rather not...sigh..
hey you too - i have felt that way all week. *sigh* would rather just cosy up and ignore the world!
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