Wednesday, March 15, 2006

renewal and rebirth

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
i'm working on a heavy-duty post ... its like pulling teeth ... in the meantime here's some more eye candy for you
image: copyright mad malva blue, 2006

i love the phoenix and what it represents: rebirth, renewal, regeneration. from the ashes, beauty does arise. the phoenix symbolizes the invincible in each of us - that divinity, that fire that resides inside. this place in each of us - that's where hope arises in the ruins of shattered and scorched hopes, dreams, and aspirations. thru each regeneration, each renewal, we lose a little piece of ourselves, but we gain so much more in the process - if we can only open our eyes, and our hearts, to the possibilities. i want to say to the possibilities of fire - but would that be stealing from our good friend wch?

about this piece: a digital rendering (btw - the afghan hound was also) ... a few hours of some painstaking work, but i am pleased with the outcome. comments welcome and appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Have I already told you that I am glad you're back in this little village?

And you KNEW that I'd love this one. Let's spread our wings and hunt for fire.

Anonymous said...

oh ben ... thanx so much. i do love this little village and i am very glad, indeed, to be back here.

glad you like the phoenix. yes -- let's spread our wings and look for fire!

Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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Anonymous said...

Nice site!
[url=]My homepage[/url] | [url=]Cool site[/url]

Anonymous said...

Well done!
My homepage | Please visit

Anonymous said...

Great work! |

Anonymous said...

Great work! |