Sunday, March 12, 2006

nothing ...

Sunday, March 12, 2006
really wants to come out today, in word form. only lines, curves, colours and brush strokes want to come out today. so ... here's a sample: a portrait of my favourite creature on the planet. his pedigree name is "dragonfly lawrence of arabia" and i call him "brownie" ... but his real name is "blazer" - as in chevy blazer,
which i used to drive in my days as 'taxi-mum.'

image: copyright mad malva blue, 2006


Anonymous said...

cool kennel name.
my dog's kennel name is Stagwire, Pride of Jamphlars.

Bet you are glad you learnt that today.

Anonymous said...

I like the edges of the painting, they are friendly and passionate, they have the feeling of moving through fresh air and the color is mystic. Just what I saw.

Anonymous said...

ardlair - cool name - what a mouthful!

Q - thanx, as always for your thoughtful comments ... the feeling of movement is exactly what of was trying to convey - the long afghan hair - windblown. the colour - its so lovely (that is the colour of the real life version very striking indeed)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

many thanx, ben. means a lot!


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Great work! |