Monday, March 13, 2006


Monday, March 13, 2006
image: copyright mad malva blue, 2006

this creature is entirely of my own creation, including the photos i used! and i am pretty proud of the results. i plan to make this available as a print. comments welcome and appreciated.


Anonymous said...


you bet!...

daz' me..

Anonymous said...

that's what i'm goin' for ...


Anonymous said...

I once went out with a girl just like her.

But she ditched me.

She said my tentacles were too big for her.

Anonymous said...

ha ha -- thanx for the laugh, ardlair!


she looks kinda sexy in her own twisted way, doesn't she? lol!

Anonymous said...

tentacles or testicles??

you are good, which I am sure that you already know.

Anonymous said...

infini - thanx, so much.

woah - now, testicles puts a whole new flair to this little story! lol =^)

Anonymous said...

Sorry ladies, I actually meant testicles.

Anonymous said...

lol ...


Anonymous said...

Hey Malva

Ouh, the pressure of this one! When you go for it, then you go for it.
Pain/anger that goes away because you let it out through the pic? For me, that is a heavy one. It lashes out. Is that just me? Then I gotta think about what you have touched.

My honest opinion for you as I have given it for the Afghan hound: Make this one important only if you feel that it is a kind of a life-saver and helps you - hm - reorganize?

Anonymous said...

hey ben ... this is a heavy one, isn't it?

incidentally it is also my face used to make this image -- not sure what that means, if anything, lol.

it does lash out, a little. it's supposed to, i think. i have not really discovered all what emotion and thought is hidden in there ... but there is some anger ... and yes - it's a release of sorts.

art reflecting self and life, i suppose.

Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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Nice site! |