Thursday, May 17, 2007

the problem with republicans?

Thursday, May 17, 2007
"i just figured out what the problem is with the american republican party ... the country they wanna run is fictional."
- jon stewart - 16.05.07

one burning questions i have:
why the FUCK does sex hafta sell and/or promote every single fucking thing out there?


Anonymous said...

Hey Mantissa, I noticed one thing...this has happened here at your blog before. I have no idea what to say.

It could be sometimes, that I have difficulties to undertand your english, but now it's not that.

I like commenting, and I don't understand why some people are so mingy with their words.

BTW do you know anyone, who's not interested in sex?

And million thank visiting me!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

yeah ... this post sort of stands on its own ... i heard the line (first part of post) and laughed out loud ... so its just some cynical comedic relief ... for those who are into USA politics and bush/republican bashing ...

and ... of course ... i even know a man or two who does not live governed by his penis ... his gonads ... every second of his existence ... amazing, ain't it?

i just get pissed off when i'm watching tv and i see some popular NA ice cream franchise is using sexual innuendoes to promote and sell a new ice cream dish/product ... its sad, pathetic and lame already. i think north america is so vulgarly oversexed ... IMHO.

Anonymous said...

wouldn't it be nice if it were fictitious...